Psychology, Biology And The Best Birth Control Methods Ever

Psychology plays a big part in who you become. Sometimes you may wish you had future-retroactive psychological experiences that would have prevented you from doing something you wish you could undo. Such an example is getting pregnant and wishing you had used birth control, or having kids and thinking that maybe you should not have.

Regardless of your feelings about children and birth control, psychology can play a very important role in this forward-backward decision-making process about having kids. Here is how psychology and various aids can divert you (or anyone else) from having children and even from sex.

Aversion Therapy, Psychology and Biology

Aversion therapy is the method by which mental health experts remove a patient's need or desire for something by creating a negative association to/with that need or desire. In the matter of frequent or regular sexual activity and/or the desire to mate and procreate, the psychiatrist or therapist would suggest or prescribe extended visits with babies, or an approximation thereof. The following two approaches utilize aversion therapy, psychology and biology to accomplish this, and birth control/pregnancy prevention is a definitive side effect.

Volunteer to Babysit a Newborn for a Few Days

The psychological impact of actually having to care for a little life that was demanding and relenting is birth control enough for many people. Even couples with a new baby report that they are far less intimate than they were before baby came because they are exhausted and the thought of another baby so soon/accidentally is enough to repel the couples apart. These same couples, after their babies begin sleeping slightly longer shifts, report that any chance of being intimate is often interrupted by their babies' cries, and are immediately turned off.

There are biological changes that occur when you come into contact with a newborn as well. Mothers' libidos drop as they are driven to nurture, and if they are nursing, they are far less likely to ovulate as well. Fathers who help care for their babies also experience a 20% drop in testosterone and sexually aggressive behavior as their bodies switch over to "protection" mode rather than "mating" mode.

Next Best Thing-Robot Baby

Parenthood training devices that double as pregnancy prevention are the same ones used in health and reproduction classes in high school. These "robot babies" are very life-like dolls that include crying, wetting and hungry/feeding reminders. You could borrow one of these robot baby dolls from a local high school or from your OBGYN. This might be a more appropriate and effective psychological tool, as the robot baby doll can safely be left home alone. Any sexual partners you bring home would immediately be met by a crying baby, and as you are addressing the "needs" of the device, you would lose interest in being intimate. 
